100 Followers - Oh Boy!
Thank you to everyone who has found my little book blog. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. It's been fun blogging about all the various books and romances I've read over the past three years.
In honor of this "great achievement" I've decided to have a giveaway of some of my favorite "gently used" books - keepers!
You have until June 30th to enter the giveaway (sorry, U.S residents only!) and the winners will be chosen at random. I have 10 books up for grabs! I know, I know, you're probably wondering - what? You're not giving away a book by Diana Gabaldon?! Sorry, but her books are just too dear to me, I have a matching set that I can't part with! But, I do have some highlander related books that are pretty good! Just fill out the form below, leave a comment (so I know you're a real person) and become a follower if you are not already. You may select more than one book.
The following ten (in no special order) are dear to me, each one was great in it's own way. They are all rated 4 stars and up. I've posted the link to my reviews for each one - check 'em out and spread the word! Thanks again to all you wonderful book lovers and good luck!

Lol! I already have most of those already on my shelf -- based on your recs! No kidding, I picked up Garwood's The Bride THIS WEEK and I preordered A Courtesan's Guide!!!
Congrats on 3 years of blogging and 100 followers! No doubt about it, I get most of my TBR from Outlandish Dreaming! Wishing you many more years of good books and good blogging friends!
Ha-ha Joanne - that's so funny! I get my recs from you as well, introducing me to so many historical mysteries! Still several series out there I've yet to begin but I have them lined up on my TBR list! Thanks!
Congrats on 100+ followers!
I can definitely understand not wanting to part with a book.
I'm a new follower via GFC(Mona Gsrg) and email
CONGRATULATIONS on the 100 followers!!! I know, it's a lovely milestone to celebrate. Also, thank you very much for the amazingly generous giveaway! :D
GFC Follower: ~Enamored Soul~
Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
Yay, Julie! congrats on 100 followers! You have a great list of favorites!
Mona and Enamored Soul - welcome and good luck in the contest!
Penny - thank you! These are some of my favorites, (sniff sniff) hard to part with them, but I figured I'd buy them on my kindle anyway, so I'll always have them.
What a great list of books. Thanks for the giveaway, and congratulations on 100 followers!
Thanks so much for doing this! I'm entered!
I've read some of those and heard of others. It's a good list!
Linda and goddessani - Welcome and thank you! Good luck in the contest!
Julia - Thanks and good luck in the contest!
Congrats on the 100 followers!! I love your reviews -- now following and hoping to see more of them in the future :)
Stephanie, thank you and welcome!
Good luck in the contest, thanks for entering!
It must be great to reach a milestone. Congrats! One reason I love my kindle so much is that I can keep my books now. I've always moved around and stopped keeping books a long time ago, but now, I get to keep them all electronically and I can carry my favorites with me all the time. You never know when the urge to reread will strike LOL. The only downside is that I can't lend them or give them away to my friends.
Jen, I agree, I'm buying more and more on kindle too for the same reason so I'll always have my keepers nearby! Good luck in the giveaway!
Wow - 3 years? Congratulations! I've enjoyed stopping by your place and getting historical recommendations.
The Bride is one of my all-time faves and a comfort read - great pick!
Yes Patti - three years! Seems hard to believe, doesn't it? I still feel new in the romance blogging world. Btw, are you by any chance coming to NYC next month for RWA?
Wow! Three years, that is awesome! I enjoy reading your book recommendations. Thanks for the contest!
I'm a real person and I would like to win a book! Ha! Congratulations on reaching the magic hundred, Julie! I've still got 25 to go. Although one of my 25 doesn't count because somehow it appears that I am following my own blog. How this happened I don't know. :)
LOL! Yvette - who knows, Blogger does some weird stuff - like that posting glitch in commenting a few days ago (I know you were especially annoyed by it!) Thanks for entering my contest and I'm so glad to know you're a "real" person! Ha! I never would have known otherwise! ;)
I just found your blog from PBS. Love it! Congrats on the milestone! :) vmvazquez83 at yahoo dot com
MLD - thanks for entering and welcome to my blog - thanks! I love PBS too!
Thanks so much for the giveaway. I've read a lot of the books and enjoyed them.
I'm a follower.
Congatulations on getting 100 followers! Love your blog and what a great giveaway.
Danni and Anne thanks and good luck in the giveaway!
What a TOTALLY amazing contest! Your fav are some of mine!! I'e gone to the library for Romancing Mr.Bridgerton and Suddenly you, but I would DIE for Whitney, My Love! I haven't read it yet but I hear such wonderful things! OH I am going into a mini-heart attack ! Thanks so much for the giveaway op! And congrats on getting 100 followers!!!
Rita - Whitney is soooo good! I loved it. I just finished my last historical by Judith McNaught - I loved everyone one of them, I'm sad there are no more! :(
Bummer! Can you believe I haven't read her at all yet? lol
And I've only read The Wedding by J-Garwood. I should totally relinquish my junkie crown! lol! What would you recommend besides whitney by MacNaught? Like, does she have any series I should have read by now?
If you go to McNaught's website she has a certain order, but not a true series, most of her books can be standalone, but the Westmoreland Series is my favorite. Kingdom of Dreams is her first, it's a medieval. Then Whitney, then Until You. Until You is a def. sequel to Whitney. I loved them all. Almost Heaven is a sequel to Something Wonderful. Once and Always is really good too, that's a standalone. They're all great!
Girl, you have GOT to read Garwood's The Bride! It's much better than The Wedding. It's my fav. Garwood.
Hello! I've been out of the country and thus out of the habit of blogging lately, but I'm so glad I checked in and remembered to register! I'm pretty sure that I signed up as a follower...but I am a total Luddite and I'm new to this Google Follower business ;)
I never win anything, but I would love to win The Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man!
Oh, and I am having to go through ILL to get Loretta Chase's Lord of Scoundrels (our library is tiny and the bookstore didn't have it either!),but I look forward to it and hope to have it soon!
Bri, thanks so much for entering and commenting!! Courtesan is a great book ( I just met both of it's authors last night!) Good luck and Lord of Scandals is worth the effort to find! One of my favorites too!
Thank you for the contest, Julie! Congrats on the followers!!
Carrie, thanks and good luck in the giveaway (just met both authors last night at the RWA Literacy Signing and bought another copy for myself that they signed!) I have to have my own copy since I'm giving my first one away! LOL! Definitely a bedside table must!
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